Bible Search

Search Tips and Abbreviations

(These notes apply to the top search box for access from anywhere on the site)

1. Jump directly to a chapter or verse just by entering it into the box. Try any abbreviation, down to even a single letter... for example try J3 or H11.

2. Combine key words, books and chapters as desired ... for example try Acts 27 ship.

3. Use quotation marks to search a specific phrase. "In the beginning God" returns only exact matches in that word order.

4. Use a minus sign to skip entries with a particular word. Try Paul an apostle -epistles

5. Use NT or OT for a particular testament.

6. Combine books and or chapters with key words. Example: php faith.

7. Narrow your search by including any of these sections: Law, History, Prophets, Poetry, Gospels, Acts, Epistles, Revelation.

8. Search all Concordance, Dictionary, and Encyclopedia entries from those sites. Enter a single word to jump directly, or multiple words to perform a search.

Parsing Abbreviations

Part of Speech  –  Person, Tense, Mood, Voice  –  Case, Number, Gender, Comparison

Part of Speech

V - Verb
N - Noun
D - Adverb
A - Adjective
RA - Article
RD - Demonstrative Pronoun
RI - Interrog. / Indefinite Pron.
RP - Personal / Possess. Pron.
RR - Relative Pronoun
P - Preposition
C - Conjunction
I - Cnterjection
X - Particle


1 - 1st Person
2 - 2nd Person
3 - 3rd Person


P - Present
I - Imperfect
F - Future
A - Aorist
X - Perfect
Y - Pluperfect


I - Indicative
M - Imperative
S - Subjunctive
O - Optative
N - Infinitive
P - Participle


A - Active
M - Middle
P - Passive



N - Nominative
V - Vocative
A - Accusative
G - Genitive
D - Dative


S - Singular
P - Plural


M - Masculine
F - Feminine
N - Neuter


C - Comparative
S - Superlative


Bible Search